Some are seekers on the quest for the one, true DevOps. They were misled. I’m here to say: Give it up. Whatever you find at the end of that journey isn’t it. That one true DevOps is dead. Dead and buried. The search is pointless or, kind of worse: The search misses the point altogether.
DevOps began as a sort of a living philosophy: about inclusion rather than exclusion, raises up rather than chastises, increases resilience rather than assigns blame, makes smarter and more awesome rather than defines process and builds bunkers. At any rate, it was also deliberately never strictly defined.
In 2010, it seemed largely about Application Release Automation (ARA), monitoring, configuration management and a lot of beginning discussion about culture and teams. By 2015, a lot of CI/CD, containers and APIs had been added. The dates are rough but my point is: That’s all still there but now DevOps discussions today also include service design and microservices. Oh, and the new shiny going by the term “serverless.” It is about all of IT as it is naturally adapting.
And this emergent, inclusive content is possible because it’s always just people talking practices and sharing how to optimally do things. Infra as code, “cattle, not pets,” webscale, version and automate all the things, horses not just unicorns, etc. Lots of conversations, insights sharing, presenting.
Good times.
There are more DevOps Days naturally occurring globally this year in 2017 than ever before. Note I wrote “naturally”—DevOps was always an organic movement, a grouped (and, whoa, global) response to increased app release pressures and the desire to select for teamwork over turf wars.
So we started with DevOpsDays and those blossomed all over. Then we got the Phoenix Project, the DevOps Enterprise Summit (now in US and EU formats!), and more great books including “Infrastructure as Code,” “System Reliability Engineering” and, finally, “The DevOps Handbook.” It’s all solid, informative stuff and I believe as a community we’re smarter, happier, and far more effective because of it.
Even those naysayer analysts—you know who you are—have come around to accepting the DevOps goodness.
DevOps lives when we continuously adapt to managing emergent properties spawning system-level feedback loops in our IT and across our businesses. To do better, faster, higher quality things to delight the customers.
Any discussion of DevOps is truly about continual IT innovation adaptation because the rate of IT change is also changing. Fast and faster. All that means starting with the roots like CLAMS and moving forward with containers and embracing the journey to quickly delivering better customer experiences.
So, the concept of DevOps is evolving, just as our understanding of what’s needed is evolving.