
The Database of the Future: Seven Key Principles

The database of the future will be more than just a database. Instead, it will be a platform that focuses on the user experience and abstracts the technology. Looking at the evolution of application development, an enormous amount of effort has made it easier to build and deploy applications. Similarly, databases need to evolve for ease of use with a delightful developer experience and an exemplary user interface that surfaces features and functionalities that engineers will actually use.

Here are seven principal features needed to chart the development of the future database.

1. Serverless by Default

Serverless is unquestionably the most significant paradigm shift in software engineering in the last five years and the one that’s been realized the least. There aren’t that many people at this point that are all in on serverless. It’s the shift away from buying a server to a service that does what you need and scales with your growth.

Serverless by default is the only way to ensure the database of the future will be easy to operate while being consistently reliable. Serverless is evolving from running functions in the cloud to becoming the standard for fast-paced development teams that don’t want to worry about vCPUs or node pools but focus on outcomes.

The companies that are doing it the best still deploy servers, but they are leveraging products that scale independently, regardless of how many servers they have. Their component vendors can increase the number of resources allotted to them, and they only pay for what they use, and the architecture of the solution scales in that way. They’re not buying a single server and pushing it as hard as they can. They’re telling one platform, ‘here’s my code,’ they’re telling another, ‘here’s my data,’ and then that scales up based on usage much, much farther than buying a single server.

When people think serverless, they think JavaScript and Lambda, but there’s serverless PHP out there, too. It’s not just the JavaScript community. Other software paradigms are going for this. We will see more and more people pulling this out when they need to do some quick code and they want to ship to production as quickly as possible and scale as quickly as possible.

2. Easy to Operate

The most significant advancements in DevOps have been freeing developers from complex operations that overwhelm their day-to-day operations. Engineering teams today are organized around product and business goals, not maintenance and servicing. But databases have yet to catch up. Product teams still rely on experts to perform overly complicated database operations tasks.

The database of the future must fit into everyone’s DevOps workflows. It must be usable for any developer and leveraged by every team within a technical organization. The database needs to be operable by everyone and no longer require database admins to manage backups and capacity planning or worry about disaster recovery.

Developer-centric features like database branching, database developer environments, autoscaling and usage-based billing will be commonplace.

3. Reliable

Reliable simply means it’s harder to hit the scaling limits. Not only does it mean that the database is there, but that you get the right information when something is going wrong, and you can collaboratively help scale.

Nothing scales infinitely. There are not enough computers in the world to scale something to infinity. You’ll always be able to query a database and pull too much information out of it too fast. No matter how many cars you get or how much horsepower you have, you can’t go a million miles an hour. A good database must let you know when you’re hitting those limitations and help you move past them, whether at a small scale, medium scale or large scale.

4. Interoperable

Future databases will be accessible to every imaginable client–from smart refrigerators to fleets of autonomous delivery vehicles. But this client-agnostic approach requires planning for many more transactions and connections than most current databases could ever manage simultaneously.

In the future, databases can handle unlimited connections through smart connection pooling, query replication and intelligent query routing. Databases will also need to serve a wide set of connections and clients. Although we are already seeing many databases offering web APIs and new connection types, as these get tested at scale, we will begin to see them adopted and used to power the next generation of applications.

5. Globally Distributed, Locally Available

Today, most businesses and applications don’t need a global database, which often introduces unnecessary complexity and operating costs. However, there are many reasons the future database will need to be globally distributed, as they must be located where you need them the most.

The key to this is knowing what your requirements are. Many people look at multi-region and think it’s faster reads, failover, scaling and breaking the speed of light. Ultimately, it’s all a series of tradeoffs. For example, when you read from a local replica, you trade off consistency because you have asynchronous replication. But this is really leveraging the global internet to deliver a better outcome where it’s necessary.

Being compliance-ready with regionally stored data enables you to scale rapidly to a new region and provides a great user experience by quickly serving locally available data. High-transaction, low-latency applications such as mobile games already need this capability.

But there’s one caveat: Global data distribution cannot break principle number two—being easy to operate. Tools will need to be elegant and have straightforward interfaces as their main goal is to make operations easier, not harder.

6. Intelligent

The future database is intended to be used by people and will be able to tell them how it needs to be used and how to make it better. All the tools you buy today can only give you the data you need to make some educated guesses. The future database will replace that with concrete recommendations, then self-healing actions.

This starts with basic data collection and observability and moves to, “let’s record every query that someone makes and use some decision engines and some AI and recommend how they can shard automatically.” It will be able to say, “I’ve recorded your database use for the last 30 days; this is how you should shard for optimal performance. Click the button, and we’ll do it.”

The future database will say, “You’re scaling too far for the single machine at a per-user level. You must break it down into two or break it down into four, and we figured out how to do it for you, so you don’t have to figure that out. We’ve sharded your data on your behalf.”

7. Linearly Horizontally Scalable

Future databases will also need to be designed for future scale. Only a handful of companies on the planet have hit a scale that tests the limits of current technologies, but as information grows, more companies will get there. The next databases will do that by automatically scaling both vertically and horizontally within seconds. Many existing databases require a maintenance window, replication and a failover before they can be scaled up or out. But downtime is unacceptable, and scale should not come at the cost of performance. And it doesn’t have to. The database of the future will scale intelligently and without a blip on the status page.

In short, the consumer should be able to get what they need when they need it, with no risks. It should be easy to say, “I’ve doubled the number of servers, I’ve doubled the amount of throughput. I’ve quadrupled the number of servers and the amount of throughput.” This is what sharding provides. Good sharding happens automatically at a super high scale, and you’ll only pay for what you use as you go along. The future database will do all of this without users having to turn a knob.

In conclusion

It will take the entire database industry to agree on these principal features, adopt a user-focused approach and build future database platforms designed to make engineers more successful by delivering superior products and services to their customers. I envision a day where every company no longer worries about its infrastructure and can simply focus on its business. I want development teams to take back control over their development workflow. Using a database should be as easy as writing code.

Nick Van Wiggerern

Nick is the Vice President of Engineering at PlanetScale, where he is building the next-generation cloud database. Previously, he was a Director of Software Engineering at GitHub and Microsoft, leading multiple Seattle-based engineering teams. Nick holds a Bachelor’s degree in Informatics from the University of Washington and resides in Seattle, Washington.

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