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Don't be a DevOps Failure


Think About Your Audience Before Choosing a Webinar Title


Sponsored by Broadcom

Tuesday, April 7, 2020
1pm EST

DevOps promised that we could deliver more, faster, and with confidence. But blockers to adoption and transformation can make those goals hard to achieve. From disjointed toolchains to lack of visibility and insight into performance and ROI - persistent challenges can make DevOps success elusive. How can your organization overcome common DevOps failures and frustrations? Join us for a discussion about to break through common barriers to achieve sustainable, quantifiable DevOps success

We'll cover: 

  • "This is the best tool for our team" 
    - Address tool proliferation without changing the way teams work
  • "We can deploy daily but QA takes 3 weeks" 
    - How to embed quality throughout the CI/CD toolchain
  • "Not another dashboard!"
    - How to get visibility and make data driven decisions 
Alex Martins
Head of Solutions Engineering - Broadcom
Alex is a technology industry veteran with experience in Agile Software Engineering, Continuous Testing and DevOps. Alex has worked both sides of the wall, starting out as a developer and then moving into Software Testing. He has lead Quality Engineering practices across multiple companies.
Stephen Feloney
Head of Products for the Continuous Testing Business Unit - Broadcom
Stephen is Head of Products for the Continuous Testing Business Unit at Broadcom. Prior to this role, for the last 11 years, Stephen has been in Product Management, focused on enterprise software, at various companies spanning from the very large, like HP, to startups.  Before product management, Stephen spent 12+ years a software engineer. Stephen holds a BS in Computer Engineering from Santa Clara University.

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What You’ll Learn in This Webinar

You’ve probably written a hundred abstracts in your day, but have you come up with a template that really seems to resonate? Go back through your past webinar inventory and see what events produced the most registrants. Sure – this will vary by topic but what got their attention initially was the description you wrote.

Paint a mental image of the benefits of attending your webinar. Often times this can be summarized in the title of your event. Your prospects may not even make it to the body of the message, so get your point across immediately.  Capture their attention, pique their interest, and push them towards the desired action (i.e. signing up for your event). You have to make them focus and you have to do it fast. Using an active voice and bullet points is great way to do this.

Always add key takeaways. Something like this....In this session, you’ll learn about:

  • You know you’ve cringed at misspellings and improper grammar before, so don’t get caught making the same mistake.
  • Get a second or even third set of eyes to review your work.
  • It reflects on your professionalism even if it has nothing to do with your event.