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AWS-Kong White-1
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Techstrong Learning
Modernizing & Maximizing Efficiency In AWS With Kong Konnect
120min Hands-On Workshop
On Demand

API management continues to get more complex as the number of APIs explodes. Organizations require an effortless solution to guarantee secure, reliable and efficient connections of services across all types of environments. In light of the present economic challenges, doubling down on modernization efforts combined with smart investment in areas with a proven track record of boosting productivity and efficiency are more important than ever.

In this workshop, Div Shekhar, Partner Solutions Architect at AWS, Claudio Acquaviva, Software Architect at Kong, and Mark Sivill, Senior Solutions Engineer at Kong, will demonstrate the ways Konnect can help your organization adopt a federated API management model throughout their life cycle and show how the API gateway pattern can be used for modernization with Kong.

Register today to learn how to:

  • Decentralize Applications and Services: Break down monoliths into services or build new applications with distributed architectures to accelerate your journey to microservices, Kubernetes and service mesh.
  • Govern and Secure APIs and Services: Provide consistent security, governance and compliance across APIs and services.
  • Create a Developer Platform: Provide an internal developer platform built for distributed architectures.
  • Offload critical and complex processing out of services and microservices.

Attendees will follow the AWS Setup, Kong Konnect, Kong Konnect Service Hub, Kong Konnect Runtime Manager, Kong Plugins and Monitoring.

*This Hands-On workshop requires a free trial subscription to Kong Konnect Plus and an AWS account with IAM user/identity that has proper permissions to set up the necessary AWS components as well as introductory knowledge of Kubernetes. The facilitators will provide temporary AWS accounts to the first 100 attendees for the duration of the workshop so that attendees can get hands-on.

**Kong Konnect Enterprise is a service connectivity platform that provides technology teams at multi-cloud and hybrid organizations the 'architectural freedom' to build APIs and services anywhere. Kong’s Service Connectivity Platform provides a flexible, technology-agnostic platform that supports any cloud, platform, protocol and architecture. Kong Konnect Enterprise supports the full life cycle of service management, enabling users to easily design, test, secure, deploy, monitor, monetize and version their APIs.

Div Shekhar
Partner Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services - AWS
Div Shekhar is a Partner Solutions Architect focused on providing technical expertise to AWS Partners who are trying to differentiate themselves within the APN. He works with AWS Partners to make sure their offerings meet the technical bar required to pass various kinds of validations within the AWS Partner Org. Div also develops full-stack applications to enhance internal processes and make services provided by AWS more available to consumers. 
Claudio Acquaviva
Software Architect - Kong
Claudio Acquaviva is currently focused on API Management, Microservices and Service Mesh, monolith to microservices migration projects on OnPremises and Cloud Computing Hybrid environments. 
Mark Sivill
Senior Solutions Engineer - Kong
Mark is based in the United Kingdom and works with companies to explore the value that Kong can deliver to their businesses. Previously he has worked at companies such as Splunk, Salesforce, and Oracle bringing his background in observability, Software-as-a-Service, and middleware to API Management. as-a-Service, and middleware to API Management.