Anthony Coggine is a HR professional turned business analyst. He has spent more than 5 years as a recruitment consultant in a variety of industries, primarily focused on consumer technology and research.
Product managers can specialize in all sorts of disciplines. Some are better at hardware development while others are better at staying on budget. However, there are a number of traits that are ...
Agile environments increasingly are becoming a popular option for organizations large and small. Although initially created as a solution for small software development teams with short budgets and complex scopes, it’s been ...
Great web developers are waiting to be hired. Your company could seize upon the opportunity—but only if you’re willing to be patient, dedicated and a little creative. Don’t scare away qualified remote ...
Artificial intelligence has been dominating the tech news headlines for a few years now, as the innovations in the sector keep rolling out at increased rates. The technology is, for lack of ...
Creating virtual 3D worlds has been a dream of programmers for many decades. Virtual reality, once a faraway fiction, is becoming a reality. Failures such as Nintendo’s infamous Virtual Boy are now ...
Web developers are a great addition to every organization. Having your own web developers to help you create web applications and websites can be invaluable to companies of every size. If you ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the capability to change the way we work, the way we manage, and the way we conduct research. As automation processes improve, businesses increasingly are looking for ways ...