Jeannie Liou is a Product Marketing Manager at Datos IO where she runs all of the company's product marketing efforts. Before Datos, Jeannie was at Aptelligent and Apple. She holds an MBA from Duke University Fuqua School of Business.
There are various reasons why some organizations would not be interested in protecting their data. These reasons could range from the lack of financial resources to the lack of non-financial resources, such ...
A recent report found that ransomware attacks quadrupled in 2016, and are likely to double in 2017. Not surprisingly, a research survey showed that 48 percent of organizations had been hit by ...
Do you have single points of failure? How do you handle deduplication? These questions and more need consideration when you're dealing with database backup and recovery. Enterprises are quickly onboarding next-generation, mission-critical ...
Over the past five years, applications have undergone a paradigm shift. They now require more agility, scalability and availability. The key trends in this era are driven by the use of social platforms, mobile ...
Cassandra is a popular next-generation database system (NoSQL) that powers the back end of high-performance web-scale applications in enterprises. It is database software for cloud applications that accelerates the organizations' ability to ...