Patrick Roach is a front-end developer at Inedo and a 12th-level dwarf wizard in his spare time.
He’s also the lead game designer for Release!, the software-themed game that smashed it’s Kickstarter goals by over 2,000%. Which led to the creation of Naturalist Games, a board game company mostly staffed by software engineers.
In addition to gaming for hobby, Patrick is passionate about how games, gaming, and gamification intersect with software development, technology, and everyday life.
Software is a young industry, and not a very traditional one. Your team can’t always be expected to behave like teams in other fields. So it’s no surprise that when a development ...
In a lot of ways DevOps is about making a community out of a work place. Alex Papadimoulis has a clever new way to make that happen. Alex is currently Kickstarting a card game about ...