Sabine Bernecker-Bendixen (46) is working as a consultant for more than 20 years. She is moderating workshops, leading projects up to 100 participants and teaching people of different professions in communication skills, soft skills and leadership skills. She helps new teams growing together and leaders finding their own people centred way of bringing out the best inside of them. To work on and manage agile projects means a lot more than technical tools and putting different people together especially in soft skills. According to her, "agile" is not only a management technique - it is a way of thinking and believe, a way of behaviour and living! She assists leaders, teams and companies to create and implement their own agile, human focused team culture and helps them to reflect their situations. LaaS – Leadership as a Service is what she demands of modern leaders. This year she has been one of the speakers at the DevOpsDays in Ljubiljana and Paris. She writes a column about soft skills in the German developer magazine.
To better the communication between people in tech teams is one important issue in daily work. Although we all grew up with communication from our early childhood on, we know, that communication ...
As a freelance consultant for more than 15 years I skip from company to company of different sizes in different industries. For the last two years I have been very close to ...
Communication is everywhere and it is far more than only the spoken word and its origin meaning. Communication is one of the most complex and also complicated topics in human relationships: most ...
In his post “DevOps developers; don´t be a DevGoof” on Parker Yates pointed out, that developers have to become more social. Devs should better realize that they need to become a ...