At its Build 2023 conference this week, Microsoft announced general availability of an Azure Deployment Environment service that provides developers with a portal through which they can employ infrastructure-as-a-code (IaC) templates based on Terraform or Azure Resource Management files.
In addition, Microsoft has enhanced Microsoft Dev Box, a workstation environment for developers that run Azure, to include a portal through which they can manage multiple environments.
Scheduled to be generally available in July, Microsoft Dev Box is also previewing a capability that makes it possible to customize environments using configuration-as-code files stored in a Git repository. Microsoft is also previewing tighter integration between Dev Box and its Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) and Windows to further customize developers’ environments.
Scott Guthrie, executive vice president of the cloud and artificial intelligence (AI) group at Microsoft, told conference attendees these and other tools for building cloud-native applications, along with GitHub Actions, make it simpler than ever to build applications in an Azure cloud service that includes an integrated continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform.
Microsoft is also previewing GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps that natively embeds automated security checks using scanning tools into the Azure DevOps platform.
Other additions to the Azure environment include tools for centralizing the management of application programming interfaces (APIs) using an Azure API Center service that is available in preview.
The Azure Event Grid has also been updated to enable it to use HTTP to pull delivery of discrete events in addition to pushing them.
Finally, Microsoft is also previewing generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to make it simpler to manage cloud costs by, for example, using prompts to summarize invoices or breakdown costs.
Microsoft, along with its GitHub subsidiary, is at the forefront of applying generative AI to application development using tools like GitHub Copilot that developers can use to write better code faster. That copilot capability is now being disseminated across the portfolio of applications and services that Microsoft provides.
It’s not yet clear what the downstream impact of such tools are just yet, but the overall quality of the applications being built should improve as, for example, fewer mistakes are made that can lead to vulnerabilities.
Obviously, the way application software is built, constructed and secured is about to change in the generative AI era. Thanks to its alliance with OpenAI, Microsoft has a significant head start on rivals building generative AI platforms that can similarly be applied to improve developer productivity.
In the meantime, DevOps teams should assume the volume of code simultaneously moving through pipelines is about to dramatically increase as developers become more productive. There will inevitably be more opportunities to apply multiple forms of AI to reduce any DevOps bottlenecks that might arise, but it’s clear most of the immediate benefits are being provided to developers.
One way or another, however, the overall rate at which applications are built and deployed is about to change drastically. The issue is understanding how those advances will impact downstream DevOps workflows that were constructed for a different era of application development.