Founder & CEO of BlazeMeter
I’m a hands-on developer with roughly 20 years of experience.
Being a developer, for me, is a way of self-manifestation. It’s a way to build and create. I see myself more as an artist than as an engineer. A painter paints with colors. A sculpture works with clay. Me, I paint with code and sculpt with servers and storage.
In 2008, I came to the realization that cloud computing will disrupt our way of work the same way the Internet disrupted our way of life a decade earlier.
While the Internet was the B2C revolution, in my eyes, cloud computing represents the B2B revolution.
With that realization came the urge to be a part of the revolution from the trenches. To build something new. BlazeMeter is the manifestation of this urge.
The Agile Age For a business to survive or, dare I say, thrive in the “Agile Age”, it must adopt agile methodologies. The term agile may ring some bells with those of you ...