Sarah Guthals, PhD is the Director of Developer Relations for Sentry, exploring developer tools through an authentic lens and then provide feedback or fixes to make that experience better. She also develops content to make adopting tech easier for developers. As an undergraduate at UC San Diego she landed internships with Microsoft and the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab. After graduating from grad school, Sarah co-taught various courses at University of California, San Diego in both the Educational Studies and Computer Science Departments, creating a specific course for computer science majors called “Teaching Computer Science in Informal Learning Spaces.” After earning her Ph.D., Sarah co-founded ThoughtSTEM, which teaches coding skills to students ages 4-16, with two fellow UC San Diego alums and also founded We Can Zone, a company which promotes coding, creation, and collaboration. Sarah has also worked for Microsoft, Coinbase, and GitHub.
It's never a bad time to adopt healthy new habits for the mind and body, and for developers, it’s always a good time to consider new best practices at work. As 2023 ...