CTO.ai has launched SlackOps, a platform for managing DevOps workflows in real-time via the Slack communications and collaboration service.
Company CEO Kyle Campbell said many DevOps teams are embracing Slack to share updates with one another. SlackOps takes that preference for DevOps a step further to enable complex DevOps processes, also known as ChatOps, to be launched from the Slack command line.
That approach allows any member of the DevOps team to write a workflow once and securely share it regardless of what language is employed, added Campbell.
SlackOps also provides access to a public registry that CTO.ai already makes available for sharing developer shortcuts within a specific community.
Beyond streamlining communications processes across DevOps teams, Campbell said DevOps teams will be able to surface additional insights into workflows using DevOps research and assessment metrics to make them more efficient. SlackOps also makes it easier to onboard new members of a DevOps team, he noted.
SlackOps is deployed as a container on the Slack platform and can be downloaded via the Slack marketplace in a couple of minutes.
The goal is to enable organizations to embrace a lean approach to DevOps that enables them to quickly adjust processes as required, said Campbell. Rather than having to commit to a single tool or platform, developers should be able to advance the overall state of DevOps within their organizations without having to be concerned whether a new tool or platform will disrupt communications across the DevOps team.
It’s too early to say to what degree Slack might emerge as a control plane for managing DevOps processes. It is, however, becoming more popular as a way to communicate across members who employ a broad range of tools. Rather than attempting to force DevOps teams to standardize on a single set of tools and platforms, Slack provides a more flexible means of communicating in real-time that is delivered as a cloud service.
Of course, there are now plenty of alternatives to Slack. It will be up to each DevOps team to decide which communications medium best suits them. However, embedding a DevOps workflow application within a communications platform could serve to make Slack a more compelling option for many DevOps teams. Regardless of the communications medium, DevOps teams should expect to be more continuously engaged with one another. That may prove to be a critical requirement with most members of a DevOps team working from home for the foreseeable future in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
As workflows built around asynchronous email messages increasingly are giving way to real-time communications, the challenge many DevOps teams face is finding a way to embrace that higher level of interactivity without members of the DevOps team becoming overwhelmed by the volume of messages being shared. Making the transition to DevOps was enough of a cultural challenge for many organizations. Inundating DevOps teams with real-time messages, not all of which may be pertinent to a DevOps workflow, needs to be tempered by tools that help identify the DevOps signal within all the noise.