DevOps is generally defined as software development movement that encourages automation, integration and greater collaboration between software developers and operations staff. By bridging the gap between those two sometimes warring factions, DevOps establishes a consistent, repeatable way for IT to manage its production environment, resulting in faster time to market, higher productivity levels and smoother server and application deployment.
What does this definition really mean? Does the DevOps movement really deliver on the bottom line? Are organizations buying in to DevOps at all levels, or is it just the latest in a long line of the latest and greatest software development methodologies? What are the key elements of a successful DevOps initiative? What skillsets should IT professionals grow to be successful in a DevOps environment? Should organizations replace existing successful best practices with DevOps methodologies?
Our panel discussion of IT leaders in May will answer these questions helping sort through misconceptions about DevOps and its impact on the software development and delivery cycle. Panelists with links to their bios include:·
Frank Isaacs DevOps Engineer at IBM
Salill Soman Director, Application Development at MetLife
Josh Wyatt Director, Global DevOps at LogicNow.
The meeting will be on May 12 at The NC State University Club, 4200 Hillsborough Street in Raleigh. Registration and networking starts at 5:30 p.m., dinner is at 6:30. The feature presentation will be from 7:15 pm to 8:30 p.m.
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