As I hinted in this post, the state of no-ops is not anywhere near no-ops for most use cases. The closest we have today would be software as a service (SaaS), which handles the majority of operations for us, but still requires some interaction by operations staff.
The next closest I can think of is the extreme form of hosted. My company uses a hosting provider to handle its website and blog, and the provider does a ton of the heavy lifting. But it would be a fabrication to imply that this mean no operations were performed. The simple fact is that backups, software updates and user management all are in our operational ballpark.
About That Five Years …
Why did I mention five years? That’s when the “No-op flame war” erupted. PCWorld has a pretty good summation of it, with links to the blogs in question. The short version is Netflix claimed No-Ops (later it became pretty clear the company just renamed a DevOps-reduced operations group), and Etsy responded with, “That’s because you’re doing it wrong.” Then people jumped on the “no-ops is not a good phrase” bandwagon, and it was … fun to watch.
But Again, That’s Not the Point
We too often get caught up in buzzwords. What we want to do is reduce operational overhead significantly per app. This reduces time to delivery, and it frees up time to work on new apps that are useful to the business or spur new business. If we can operationally manage three times the applications because we’ve reduced operations overhead, then we have time to do more. One of the things we haven’t done real well in the past is phase out technology. Perhaps with the free time we could reduce the operational overhead caused by five different solutions to the same problem across our application domain, offering even more time to work on new functionality or product lines.
Don’t Get Sucked In
I would argue that both Netflix and Etsy were “doing it right.” You start from where you are, and you streamline both operations and development. You start to ignore boundaries where the ROI is measurable, and you make your environment better/stronger/safer/more agile, whatever the business needs. And then you iterate again. Who cares what you call it?
No No-Ops
If No-Ops is coming, it is a loooonnnnggg way off. That’s okay. Because we are improving. You may iterate through improving a zillion times, with different goals each time, implement advanced monitoring and recovery, and wake up one day to realize that you’ve reached “No-Ops.” But as long as you are improving the cycle time/maintainability of the environment you work in, worrying about no-ops is pretty much a waste of time in the current environment.
But You Knew That
Here at the end, I’m kind of repeating what most of you already know. But when the hype hits, it doesn’t hurt to have a reminder. Most of you are keeping your business running and cranking out new apps as you’re able, and doing so at a faster pace than you were five years ago while others were arguing about no-ops. So keep doing that. Push Agile/DevOps further on each project. The more time you free from repetitive work, the more you have for doing/learning cool new stuff. So keep cranking, and one day you’ll have apps that are near no-ops.