Tag: IT modernization
Saying Goodbye to Legacy Systems
Are you still using a rotary phone, tube television or Rolodex? Probably not. But if you were, you’d still be using newer technology than what many enterprises still rely on every day ...
IT Modernization Yields Business Benefits Even in Early Stages
In recent years, with the emergence of newer technologies ranging from the cloud to machine learning, IT modernization has evolved from a replacement of end-of-life infrastructure to an enabler of innovation and ...
Survey Finds IT Modernization Efforts Reap Significant Benefits
When it comes to the state of IT, few questions weigh more substantially on the minds of CIOs and other business-technology leaders than the degree of success they see in their digital ...
CA Technologies Report Highlights App Modernization Paradox
The rush to modernize IT environments using microservices, application programming interfaces (APIs) and containers may very well turn out to represent something of a double-edged sword. A survey of 1,087 IT and ...
The Reality of Cloud Migration: It Gets Worse Before it Gets Better
The IRS dominated headlines last month when a computer glitch arose—on Tax Day—that prevented the agency from collecting millions of tax returns and forced a deadline extension. But beneath the bevy of ...