Tag: Organization

DAOPS Foundation Hosts Global DevOps Forum
DAOPS Foundation recently hosted its “Global DevOps Development Forum” in Santa Clara, California. The meetup, which was held May 13, was hosted by Jeff Liu, a DevOps expert from Google, and drew ...

Living in a DevOps World, Part 2
Part one of this article focused on some of the more behind-the-scenes benefits of an Agile DevOps approach. In part two the focus turns to some of the other traditional problems that ...

The Leadership Suite DevOps and Business Alignment Success Guide
There’s not much point to DevOps if the business isn’t directly benefiting through increased efficiency, productivity and, hopefully, profitability. This is possible only when IT and DevOps teams are delivering the technology ...

Organizational Dysfunction: The original vulnerability
During your teenage years, you may have figured out a way to get a ‘yes’ from your parents by playing off of the responsibility and knowledge gap between them…walking up to your ...

Step One Of DevOps Ignores Technology
I've spent a bunch of time talking with Adrian Cockcroft, former cloud tzar at Neflix, and listening to his various talks and presentations. I've also spent a bunch of time looking around ...