With the growing need to quickly release software and add value for customers, the trend towards Continuous Delivery is undeniable. At the same time, challenges exist in managing code quality within the software delivery pipeline. You are likely to have numerous tests in your pipelines to ensure quality, but making sense of all the test results produced by various jobs – and identifying the culprits and repeat offenders – becomes harder and harder as you speed up the delivery of your software.
XebiaLabs and CloudBees can help you deliver better software faster. Join us live to see how you can:
- Quickly understand and improve the quality of your code by leveraging the Jenkins Workflow plugin and XL TestView’s (formerly known as XL Test) aggregation, reporting, and qualification capabilities.
- Make sense of your test data – collect, visualize and analyze data from all of your test tools in one central dashboard.
- Extract test results directly from multiple Jenkins jobs and visualize them in a consistent way.
Recorded Thursday, June 11th, 2015
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Your Host:
Alan Shimel, Editor-in-Chief of DevOps.com. An often-cited personality in the security and technology community and a sought-after speaker at industry and government events. Alan has helped build several successful technology companies by combining a strong business background with a deep knowledge of technology.
As CloudBees’ Sr. Director of Product Marketing, Dan Juengst leads the product marketing efforts for the CloudBees Continuous Delivery Platform powered by Jenkins. Dan brings 20+ years of high tech experience to CloudBees with expertise in grid computing, high performance computing, and application performance. Dan has worked as both customer and vendor at both startups and enterprises. Dan’s resume includes Red Hat, Sun Microsystems, SGI, Wily Technology, Terracotta, and Lockheed Martin where he started his career computing hypersonic reacting airflows around Mach 30 flight vehicles.
Viktor Clerc is the XL Test Product Manager at XebiaLabs and is responsible for development, marketing and support of XebiaLabs’ test management and analytics solutions as part of their delivery automation product suite.