Changing the Way People Think about Business Performance from the Packet Flow to the Customer Experience
This morning, Cisco announced the intent to acquire Perspica. First and foremost, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to Perspica’s employees joining the Cisco and the AppDynamics team.
It’s crazy to think that our last talk around acquisitions was when Cisco announced its intent to acquire AppDynamics earlier this year. And now, just months later, we’re in the process of bringing Perspica’s world-class team of data scientists and machine learning pioneers on board.
Cisco has accelerated many areas of what we do at AppDynamics – from boosting R&D resources to accelerating our product releases and giving us additional support for our go to market strategy. And now we see Cisco underline its commitment once more with the addition of Perspica.
From a technology perspective, Perspica brings a lot to the table. Perspica is known for its stream-based processing with the unique ability to apply machine learning to data as it comes in instead of waiting until it’s neatly stored. They also have expertise in domain-specific machine learning at scale, which means they can ingest and process enormous volumes of data. Couple these characteristics with AppDynamics’ core data model for Business Transactions and it opens up a world of possibilities for the scale and speed of our product. Ultimately, it will enable us to deliver our vision for the future of performance that is infinitely scalable and ridiculously fast to keep pace with developments in the enterprise.
If we hold a mirror to the state of enterprise technology today, you’ll see programs running in multiple clouds and servers and on countless containers and devices. Fast forward into the not-so-distant future and the complexity of everything grows exponentially as businesses continue to fight to differentiate themselves in digital. However, the highly distributed nature of modern technology makes it incredibly difficult for any company to make sense of what is actually helping or hurting them in this fight.
In order to bolster our technology for the highly complex, data-drenched enterprise of the not-so-distant future, Perspica will further our leading capabilities in application intelligence through:
- Collaboration with Perspica’s engineering talent who specialize in data science and highly scalable data platforms. Our teams will work side by side to transform enterprises’ complex systems into their biggest competitive advantages.
- Stream-based processing that can derive inferences from data and find anomalies without needing to wait until data is stored, which will enable our customers to accelerate their paths to business-driving insights; and
- Domain-specific machine learning that will strengthen our root cause analysis capabilities and core APM solution by allowing our agents to massively increase the amount of data points we can ingest
And we believe this is only the tip of the iceberg of possibilities.
I’m personally very excited to see the strides we’ll make toward a new era of computing, one that is business aware and free from any limitations.
The deal is expected to close in the second quarter of Cisco’s fiscal year 2018. So, keep a look out for big things to come…