We recently held another webinar in our continuing series at DevOps.com. We partnered with the good people at CloudBees on CI and CD across the enterprise with Jenkins. The webinar featured:
Cyrille Le Clerc is Director of Product Management at CloudBees with more than 15 years experience in Java. Prior to CloudBees, Cyrille was Chief Technology Officer at Xebia. As an early adopter of the “you build it you run it” model, he put it in place for a number of high volume web sites. He naturally embraced DevOps culture. He is also very active in the Java community, creator of the open source project “embedded jmxtrans” and a speaker at various conferences.
It proved to be the most popular webinar we have held yet with almost 1500 people registered! Many were not able to log in live for the event. We are making a recording available for those who could not attend and anyone else who would like to listen:
Hope you enjoy it and stay tuned for more webinars.