Several people have written asking us how to pre-register for the DevOps Connect: SecDevOps conference on the Monday of RSA Week at the Moscone Center. All registrations are handled by RSA. The event is free to anyone who has any RSA badge. So you can go register for an RSA expo pass and still attend Monday’s event. If you are already registered for RSA, here is how to add DevOps Connect: SecDevOps to your registration.
Steps to register for additional course:
- Log into your registration record
- You’ll be on a landing page with several options. In the Purchased Items section near the bottom, click “Purchase Registration Items”
- On the next page, scroll to the bottom and click Continue:
- The next page will have the Monday activities. The Seminars are at the bottom, check off selection and click continue again.
Obviously pick DevOps Connect: SecDevOps as your activity. Hope that helps. Any more questions about DevOps Connect: SecDevOps or other RSA activities please email us at [email protected].