We are very happy to announce that we have launched a new survey that will explore how the community feels about DevOps, ITOps and PaaS. The survey is another in the continuing surveys we are conducting to help all of us understand more about how DevOps is really influencing how development, Ops and IT are being changed.
This survey is sponsored by Apcera, makers of the Apcera Hybrid Cloud OS. The survey is only about 19 questions and shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes. It is aimed at understanding if there is a difference in opinion of who is leading innovation and where are the roadblocks to that innovation in organizations. It also seeks to understand what are organizations are thinking about containers and specifically are different parts of the IT team looking at containers differently. Finally, the survey tries to help us understand what are the attitudes towards PaaS.
As we always do we will release the survey findings when complete. You are helping not only your own organization but the entire DevOps community if you would take a few minutes to take the survey right now we would be very grateful. If there is something you think we got wrong on the survey or left out, please let us know by commenting here.
If you are interested in hearing more about Apcera and how it looks at containers and PaaS you should check out our Q & A with their CEO over on Container Journal.
BTW stay tuned as next week we will release the results of our last survey, The Real Value of DevOps.