It will likely come as no surprise that app downloads are on the rise, with no signs of slowing down. Today’s consumers use apps for everything from ordering food, to shopping for clothes, to managing money and more.
In fact, according to a recent report by App Annie, consumers downloaded a total of 194 billion apps in 2018, up from 178 billion apps in 2017.
Yet, the same report shows that app retention rates after 90 days are low–ranging from 32% to a meager 4%.
Reasons for app deletion vary, but far too many apps, in a burgeoning sea of apps, are either hastily and incompletely tested or aren’t even tested at all. This can lead to poor consumer experience, deleted apps and even negative feelings about a brand itself.
Therefore, it’s critical for mobile app developers and practitioners to button up their testing practices before release. Otherwise, you run the risk that all the work you put into your app will only lead to the dreaded and overcrowded app graveyard.
Overcoming Today’s App Testing Limitations
The primary challenge prohibiting companies from properly testing their apps is access to real-time devices in the same instantaneous, maintainable and scalable infrastructure. The expectations around continuous testing in desktop, web and packaged applications is difficult to achieve in mobile testing without a device cloud, which delivers seamless access to real devices in an on-demand infrastructure and brings order to the chaos of managing multiple mobile devices in a test lab.
A cloud-based mobile testing lab provides a comprehensive solution that solves issues around mobile app testing, including too many device types and operating systems to test, as well as a lack of people and time to test. It offers real-time, continuous access to real devices for all mobile testing needs, resulting in higher quality apps and increased customer satisfaction and retention.
An added bonus is a cloud-based mobile testing lab frees app testers from initiating and monitoring automated tests. Basically, testers can automate their automation. This, in turn, allows them to perform other significant tasks that can increase user acceptance, engagement and experience.
Failure Looms with Little or No Testing
That being said, some organizations, in a rush to go to market, release an app with little to no mobile testing at all. They believe testing is too difficult, too time-intensive or too costly to be worth their while. Some think minimal web testing will keep them out of trouble when it comes to mobile. And although we all like to think that we write bug-free code, unfortunately this isn’t always the case.
Furthermore, there are those who will test their app and then release it before fixing all the bugs, thinking they can test and improve along the way. However, that way of thinking can be detrimental to a company and its brand. Localytics found technical failure as simple as an image not loading can lead to a 29% loss of customers.
Mobile App Testing Helps Ensure a Thumbs Up
The average U.S. adult, according to an eMarketer study, spends 3.75 hours on mobile devices each day, with nearly three of those hours using apps. Further, Statista estimates app downloads to grow to 258.2 billion in 2022. Clearly, the app market is thriving, but so is the competition. You’ll have a better chance of standing out in the crowd if your app works–flawlessly.
A mobile device testing lab could be one of the key solutions that will help separate the proverbial app wheat from the chaff. By testing apps in real time, you understand which types of devices are most affected should a crash occur. Analytics show what app features are used most, allowing you to prioritize what should be fixed first during the testing process.
The future of apps is in mobile, which is why mobile testing will continue converging with legacy applications such as web and desktop. Forward-looking companies need an approach that allows top-of-line technologies to work together as if provided by a single solution provider.
A mobile device testing lab helps you break through the barriers of app development. In doing so, your app has a better chance of doing what you say it will do–without crashes–hopefully earning your app a coveted spot on users’ home screens instead of the trash.