I wanted to give a quick shout out to the large, vibrant and supportive London DevOps community. Later this month (June 23rd and 24th), there will be a joint conference at the Hilton Metropole, London. Combining the Jenkins User Conference and Cloudbees CD Summit, it is two days of CD/CI/DevOps learning.
Speakers include:
Kurt Bittner, Principal Analyst Forrester,
Martin Croker, Managing Director, DevOps, Accenture,
Sanjeev Sharma, CTO, DevOps Technical Sales & Adoption, IBM Distinguished Engineer, IBM,
Viktor Clerc, Product Manager, XebiaLabs
and more.
The Jenkins User Conference (JUC) features another great lineup of speakers as well. DevOps.com as well as a host of others are sponsoring the event.
In speaking to my friends at Cloudbees they mentioned that there were tickets still available. I found that hard to believe as I know what the community is like here in London. So if you are going to be in town on the 23rd and 24th, don’t miss this event! I will be there hosting a great panel on the 23rd as well.
The Jenkins community is one of the most active that I have ever seen. I am looking forward to seeing many of you in London on the 23rd ad 24th.
There are still sponsorships for CD Summit as well. If interested you can contact Cloudbees for info.
Also this Thursday is DevOps Connect: Rugged DevOps @Infosecurity Europe all day. Registration is free, so come down for a great day of DevOps tracks!