Multi-cloud computing is now an everyday reality for most IT organizations. Because of that, most DevOps teams are trying to figure out how to apply a repeatable set of processes against multiple clouds; rather than having to manage a unique pipeline for each cloud, DevOps teams want to be able to deploy application workloads on any cloud as necessary.
With that goal in mind, Quali has extended its CloudShell tools for modeling production environments in a sandbox to include support for both Azure and OpenStack environments. Previously, CloudShell only supported Amazon Web Services (AWS) and VMware.
Shashi Kiran, chief marketing officer for Quali, says version 8.0 of CloudShell makes it possible for developer, test, QA and compliance teams to create a truly authentic replicas of a production environments. That replica can then be used to create a blueprint of an application spanning all the physical or virtual infrastructure, data, applications, tools and services in that environment.
CloudShell 8.0 also includes support for application configuration management using either a custom script or playbook created using the open-source Ansible IT automation framework. In addition, DevOps teams now can edit some app details directly within blueprints.
Via a CloudShell web portal, shells now can be centrally managed, updated and removed. The new version also offers enhanced single sign-on (SSO) support, enabling more SAML security features and integration with third-party identity management tools. Finally, CloudShell 8.0 includes increased control of blueprint max reservation time, advanced search improvements and access to new table views.
Kiran says CloudShell is unique in that it gives DevOps teams access to a model that eliminates the surprises that commonly occur when developers attempt to move an application into a production environment. Given the level of scale involved in modern applications, it’s not possible for developers to effectively replicate a production environment on their own machines. The result is a lot of rolling back of applications after they’ve been deployed into production. CloudShell eliminates that problem, says Kiran, by giving developers and IT operations teams access to a sandbox in which to make sure that applications work as expected once they are deployed in production.
Rolling back applications in a multi-cloud world has become especially problematic. IT organizations now need to deploy applications locally on a private cloud and in a public cloud. But from an IT operations perspective each of those clouds is becoming more complex, which means the opportunity is greater for something to go awry when it comes time to deploy an application into production. Include the number of target platforms in the age of the cloud and the probability that an application will work seamlessly the first time it’s deployed is virtually nil. Multiply all the application deployments and updates an IT organization is trying to manage, and it quickly becomes apparent how much time and effort is being lost.
Production environments need to be as pristine as possible. The only way to make sure they remain that way is to make sure that every application that runs on them doesn’t ever get the chance to adversely affect their condition.