Tag: PHP

Things We Should Acknowledge, Part Two: Skills Are Less Relevant
This is perhaps the toughest issue for all of us to acknowledge: The longer you are in the space, the more skills you have filled out on LinkedIn (or wherever you are ...

Languages and DevOps: Web Development
Web development has changed a lot since DevOps first hit the scene. The languages used have shifted, where languages are used has shifted, the likely back-end hosting environment has changed - but ...

Download Rocket Open Source Languages for z/OS Today!
Empower your developers to use their preferred open source languages. We offer many open source languages and tools—including Git, R and Python—that allow any developer to harness the power of the mainframe ...

Best of 2020: Cybersecurity: What Programming Language Is Better for Your Career?
As we close out 2020, we at DevOps.com wanted to highlight the five most popular articles of the year. Following is the second in our series of the Best of 2020. As ...

Using Laravel and AWS: What You Need to Know
Most likely, you have heard about and Laravel, the open source PHP framework, and you might be planning to go to the next level to modernize your PHP Laravel application. AWS offers ...