Tag: version control

Best of 2024: Configuration-as-Code: Trends and Predictions for 2024
CaC allows for a version-controlled, reproducible and automated method of managing environments, leading to more consistent and reliable systems ...

Configuration-as-Code: Trends and Predictions for 2024
CaC allows for a version-controlled, reproducible and automated method of managing environments, leading to more consistent and reliable systems ...

Steps for Migrating Code Between Version Control Tools
Code migration can be tricky if you're not prepared. Follow these steps for a worry-free migration. Almost all source code contains some format of delicate information, whether it be configuration-related information such ...

3 Practical Steps to Employing DevOps
Everyone seems to be talking about DevOps but, if you are new to it, it might all seem a little overwhelming. One of the hardest things about DevOps is knowing where to ...

Using Application Deltas in Deployments
Developers have been versioning their source files since the early days of Unix. Anyone else remember SCCS? Back in those days, storage was at a premium: Disks were small and very expensive ...

7 Best Practices for Continuous Delivery Success
Continuous delivery refers to the development of software in short and ongoing build-test-release cycles along the deployment pipeline. Repeated testing of processes and scripts before deployment to production means most errors are ...

Netskope Draws Strength from DevOps In Support Of Scrum Development
Netskope keeps enterprises and their data secure despite the unbridled mix of approved and unapproved mobile apps in the market and on employee devices. Employees use unapproved mobile apps (BYOA) on their ...

From here to there: practical first DevOps steps
I'm a bad programmer. There, I got that out of the way. The truth is, I'm a sysadmin that writes code infrequently, on an island, and out of disciplined requirement, release, or ...

Perforce: The biggest little secret in DevOps
Quick can you name a company that is 15 years old, never took a dime of venture money, has over 250 employees, over 10,000 customers and was widely profitable from day one? ...