This article is a preview of a talk by Greg Arnette for SLOconf 2023 on May 15 – 18. To watch this talk and many more like it, register for free at
Tax season was just a few weeks ago, and that got me thinking about how frustrating it is to get hit with a surprise tax bill and how that can relate to uptime: Configuration sprawl. DevOps practitioners constantly strive to maintain uptime service level objectives (SLO) while working with complex and ever-evolving infrastructure and applications. Configuration sprawl is a significant challenge many teams face, negatively impacting system performance and reliability.
My company’s recent survey of 900 DevOps and platform engineering leaders revealed a startling (but not too surprising) conclusion: Most teams struggle managing secrets and configs at scale for infrastructure and applications.
Where Does Configuration Sprawl Come From?
As organizations scale their operations, the number of configuration files and settings grows, making it increasingly difficult to manage and maintain consistency across the board. They may have multiple environments, such as development, staging and production environments, often requiring different configurations, leading to duplicated settings and increased complexity.
Configuration sprawl may also lack standardization as teams adopt different naming conventions, file formats and storage locations without enforced configuration standards, resulting in fragmentation and confusion. Relying on manual processes for configuration management increases the likelihood of errors and inconsistencies.
Grinding to a Halt
So you’ve got a lot of configuration–why should you care? Sure, it means more files to manage, but does it really impact your environment? There are a few places where configuration sprawl will negatively impact you. You might see an increase in error rates because as complexity grows, the likelihood of errors and misconfigurations increases, leading to system instability and downtime.
Increased configuration complexity also means slower troubleshooting. Identifying the root cause of issues becomes more challenging and time-consuming when configurations are disorganized and fragmented. Ultimately this means less agility as you are forced to slow the deployment of new features and updates, impeding the organization’s ability to respond to market demands.
How to Overcome Configuration Sprawl
Don’t worry–you can tackle configuration sprawl, keep your SLOs on track and reduce the efforts required to manage and maintain configurations. To mitigate the harmful effects of configuration sprawl, consider adopting these best practices:
Don’t repeat yourself (DRY)
DRY config means variable names are declared once. Then flexible variable values are injected across build, deploy and runtime phases as defaults, inheritances and overrides. DRY avoids errors by allowing single changes to propagate where they are needed.
DRY solves the common problem of forgetting to update critical secrets or parameters and failing to synchronize related changes (e.g., client and server port numbers or rotating a database password.)
Decouple and abstract
Decoupling and abstracting config means externalizing config from source code, separating how code and configuration interact, and isolating the specific values (log level) from the configuration interface (how the log level value is fetched.)
This approach allows the same code to run in different environments using parameterized config. Abstracting config supports a best practice of implementing independent “code and config change” life cycles. Teams that frequently need to change config independently from code should decouple and abstract.
Centralized config
Consolidate configuration complexity into a single location because it’s easier to manage complexity within a single location versus multiple locations. Syncing config to the edge (where it is consumed) mitigates downtime. For example, it’s easier to fetch the configuration for service X versus coding all the logic needed to generate the configuration for service X.
Standardize your configuration management by enforcing consistent naming conventions, file formats and storage locations across teams to reduce confusion and streamline configuration management. Centralizing the configuration and generating that configuration with transformations allows all the places that consume the configuration to be simple. Simple equals easy to understand and troubleshoot.
Version control & monitoring
Use a version control system like Git to track config changes to configuration files, making identifying and resolving issues easier. And continue to monitor changes and identify potential problems before they impact system performance.
Train your team
Ensure all team members know your best practices and patterns for configuration management. The proliferation of microservices and teams operating in parallel, establishing their unique naming schemes and patterns, exacerbates this problem for DevOps teams.
Cutting the Uptime Tax
By understanding the causes of configuration sprawl and implementing best practices to manage and reduce its impact, teams can improve their uptime SLOs and maintain a more reliable, high-performing infrastructure. Remember, investing in the proper tools and processes for configuration management is not only a best practice but also a critical factor in ensuring the long-term success of your DevOps initiatives. Those are tax cuts I can get behind.