A technologist who started out working on aircraft and missile guidance systems, Don Dingee founded STRATISET in October 2018 to share his B2B marketing experience.
Early in his career Don headed a product marketing team and implemented one of the first e-business strategies at Motorola. For a decade he covered embedded and edge computing, EDA, and IoT technology at Embedded Computing Design and SemiWiki.com. He’s co-author of “Mobile Unleashed”, a history of Arm chips in mobile devices.
For fun, Don debates sabermetrics and wrestles his Great Pyrenees dog.
Edge computing platforms sit at the boundary between the real-time world and the digital enterprise. Uninterrupted, uncorrupted data from the edge is a must if analytics in the cloud drive reliable business ...
Gateways have been an essential piece of three-tier IoT architecture for years. Their traditional spot between the edge and the cloud is in flux as cellular IoT technology rolls out. When are ...
There’s an ongoing debate about where marketing technology (martech) should sit in an organization. Does it live with the CMO, the CIO, the CXO–a hybrid strategist with both IT and marketing background–or ...
“We’re NoOps—everything is in the cloud and we have no infrastructure to manage.” Before running that victory lap and shifting everyone to the dev side, consider several NoOps risks carefully. I’m really ...
Robot overlords are the stuff of science fiction fantasy. Today, with more teams implementing artificial intelligence (AI), DevOps teams need a hard, continuous look at reality. An AI overseer watching apps at ...
Think about this: The IoT application your DevOps team is developing right now, if successful at scale, will likely be the longest-living application in your shop. It may even outlive the tenure ...
The 2019 State of the Union Address, delivered Feb. 5, was light on anything tech-related. But just a week later, Feb. 11, technology was the focus of an executive order that launched ...
Edge computing is rapidly gaining momentum. Last week’s Linux Foundation news on the launch of LF Edge is one more sign of accelerating growth at the edge. What’s driving this sudden intense ...
Do a quick search on “people weakest link” and you’ll see a raft of articles in which cybersecurity experts and computer scientists point to employees or end users as the biggest vulnerability ...
Adding to your tool stack should entail more thought than, “Start your free trial today!” It’s great when there is an application need and cloud-based tools are easily grabbed with a few ...