DOES 2016
How to Craft a Cloud Testing Strategy
Before crafting a cloud testing strategy, you should determine the top strategies, and testing goals, and devise a plan accordingly ...
DOES San Francisco 2016: Adrian Cockroft On Retaining Talent
Another one of the over 50 video interviews we did at DevOps Enterprise Summit 2016 is our discussion with Adrian Cockroft. Adrian is was one of the last presenters at DOES this ...
Docker On Windows, One Engineering System, Microsoft Uses DevOps To Reinvent Itself
While at DOES San Francisco 2016 last week I had a chance to sit down with two presenters who work at Microsoft. One is someone I have interviewed before at both DOES ...
DevOps Enterprise Summit 2016: The DevOps Transformation Continues
I had a great few days out in San Francisco at the 3rd annual DevOps Enterprise Summit produced by IT Revolution and Gene Kim. Once again Electric Cloud was back as the ...