One of the lessons I’ve learned in my years at the helm of is that the heart of DevOps is CI/CD. And at the heart of CI/CD is open source. While the names have been changed to protect the innocent (and the obsolete), these lessons are as true today as they ever were. CI/CD is still all about open source.
When we first started, folks said that DevOps was just a symptom; CI/CD was the cure. For many of you, that cure was delivered via open source—probably using Jenkins. Jenkins, which itself was a fork of the open source Hudson project, was created by Kohsuke Kawaguchi.
Jenkins was a CI tool at heart and later morphed into a CI/CD tool. Many people think that this fork in the road may have hurt the continued evolution of continuous delivery in the long term. But that is an argument for another article (or maybe even a panel discussion at an upcoming DevOps live event).
Regardless of where you stand on that issue, as an open source project, it is hard to argue with the success of Jenkins. Driving a lot of that success is the Jenkins plug-in architecture. There are literally thousands of plugins that allow Jenkins to work with just about anything. That is the engine that powered Jenkins, yes; but its secret superpower was and is open source.
That said, Jenkins has grown a bit long in the tooth over the years. It’s not that it doesn’t do what it always did, it’s that what we do and how we do it has changed. Microservices, Kubernetes and even cloud have changed the very fabric of the tapestry in front of which Jenkins sits. The open source community that supports Jenkins should receive enormous credit here: It has tried mightily to keep up with the many changes.
Jenkins X sought to bring Jenkins to Kubernetes, for instance. But ultimately, nothing lasts forever and, as it says in the Bible, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die.” Now, I am not saying Jenkins is dying, but I think its time as the leader of the pack is behind it.
The good news is there are a host of new CI/CD tools that have risen to fill the vacuum left by Jenkins. Some of them are entirely open source; some are based on open source. Solutions such as Buildkite, Harness, Codefresh, GitLab, GitHub, CircleCI, JFrog and Tekton to name but a few.
Another major development has been the rise of GitOps. Weaveworks has led the way in adoption, not to mention coining of the term GitOps itself, but clearly, they are not alone. What these solutions all have in common, though, is open source.
I used to think it was sort of a chicken-or-the-egg question when it came to CI/CD and open source. But I realize now that it is not. I firmly believe that, if not for open source, CI/CD would not be the force it is today. Make no mistake, it is truly a force. CI/CD has become the dominant method for software development.
Of course, you could say “Why stop at CI/CD? Open source has become the dominant software development foundation in observability, OS, cloud and so much more!” Yes, I agree—we are living in the open source age. This rising tide may in fact lift all boats, including CI/CD.
This wave is forcing all vendors to either go entirely open source or at least support open source. What’s more, for the foreseeable future, I don’t see that changing. Open source has also wrought other changes in the market. How software tools, including CI/CD, are distributed and consumed. Who is hiring enterprise software salespeople anymore? Doing large POCs? No, open source has resulted in getting software into the hands of developers and DevOps teams directly and delivering delight. If your product works, they buy it. If it doesn’t work, they won’t, either—and they will let you know, too!
This meritocracy is another benefit of open source and is helping to speed the development of better, next-gen CI/CD tools in the market. And at the end of the day, we are all better off for that.