Despite the fact that information security is a top priority, many organizations face challenges integrating security assurance practices into their product and service development practices. All too often security problems are only detected and resolved with software patches following a security breach. Security assurance is often reactive but what is needed is a more consistent proactive and affordable approach to security. As indicated by Sean Michael Kerner in his article The DevOps model isn’t a threat to security; it’s a tool that can be used to enforce security like never before.
DevOps with Continuous Testing (CT), when implemented according to best practices, is an opportunity for organizations to systematically and affordably integrate security assurance into product and service development. Using DevOps techniques, continuous security testing can be built into software change and deployment operations. Many refer to the application of DevOps practices to security assurance as “SecDevOps”.
Below are some continuous testing best practices that make continuously testing security affordable:
1) Develop expertise in SecDevOps CT: Security assurance demands that an organization develops expertise and processes to identify threats, protect against them, detect threats when they occur, respond with solutions and recover quickly. SecDevOps CT is not so different from any other DevOps CT except that it includes a security focus. Security assurance is really a special case of quality assurance and the practices for continuous testing also apply to security assurance. Other than the general continuous testing practices which I have described in my blogs on continuous testing, here are some specific skills needed for effective SecDevOps continuous testing:
a. Include security experts in the DevOps CT team who are familiar with security domain knowledge including next generation network security protocols, understanding of BYOD security, cybersecurity attacks, in-application aware networks, streaming media and content delivery, virtualization and cloud security.
b. Security experts should partner with and train the rest of the organization. This should be done from the beginning of the development process. This is important to ensure security is no longer an afterthought for an isolated department to worry about, but integrated at all stages of a project. This will ensure that developers and testers have a security mindset as part of their daily work.
2) Leverage DevOps and continuous testing to make security assurance affordable: Because security assurance like quality assurance is considered a cost rather than a revenue generation activity, organizations are challenged to afford proactive security assurance. DevOps, when implemented in accordance to best practices, has a number of characteristics that make security assurance affordable as follows:
a. DevOps infrastructures are configured as a common resource shared by the entire development, test and deployment teams and consolidate separate department test labs which allow budgets to be pooled.
b. Orchestration tools include automated test topology re-configurations of products, test tools and interconnection components within physical, virtual and hybrid test lab deployments. This enables a wide range of security relevant production configurations to be stood up without expensive dedicated test equipment for each topology.
3) Use Security-CT-Ready test tools which support security test protocols and flexible automation workflows: As indicated in my prior blogs not all test tools are CT ready and this is true for security tools also. Using the right security test tools that are CT-ready will make the job of integrating security into CT much easier. Here are key ingredients to look for in Security-CT-ready test tools:
a. Use test tools with built-in security tests….no need to recreate them! These tools need to be compatible with security standards. The following whitepaper provides a framework of the impact –
NIST Cyber Security Framework.
b. Use test orchestrations tools that integrate well in the DevOps environments and can stand-up any production configurations consisting of a variety of platforms, mix of vendor components from the device level all the way to large scale network topologies. A good example is Spirent’s Velocity solution.
c. Use static code analysis tools during continuous builds with built-in checkers that verify software security coding standards including CWE/SANS, OWASP and PCI DSS. For example Parasoft static analysis tools.
4) Engage outside expertise to help accelerate your progress towards continuous security testing best practices: Many organizations make the mistake of trying to do everything themselves instead of employing expert consultants. Bringing in outside expertise can greatly improve the speed of accomplishing best practices. A good example of security expertise is Spirent’s Network Security Testing brochure.
The above is a partial list of suggestions for continuously testing security that have been proven to yield good results for SecDevOps. At Spirent we think testing has a bright future in DevOps. You can read more about our views at
What do you think of these suggestions and do you have others that should be mentioned?