I am presenting at the DevOps Summit in Santa Clara early next month. The title of my presentation is “Enterprise DevOps: Same medicine, different dose.” I will be attempting to tackle the sometimes sticky subject of whether Enterprise DevOps is a unique species or is there just DevOps for organizations big and small.
My personal feeling is DevOps is DevOps. That being said though, I don’t think anyone would argue that large enterprises are a different animal than smaller companies. The inertia in these organizations make culture change on a large scale harder, if not slower. Just as you would give a different dose of medicine to a child then you would to an adult, I think you have to inject DevOps differently into a larger organization than you would a smaller one.
That doesn’t necessarily mean that anyone selling enterprise DevOps services or tools is a snake oil salesmen though. I think understanding the differences between a large organization and smaller ones creates opportunities for vendors. I think that some in the community think that large vendors are just using the term enterprise DevOps to protect their existing turf from usurpers.
Anyway, I will be diving deeper into this subject at my presentation. I will post the abstract link shortly and will post me slides after the show.
In the meantime you can help me. I am interested in your thoughts on this subject and what you think is important for me to cover. I respect all opinions so if you don’t agree with me, feel free to say so, but if you do, say why.