Tag: devops life
Barriers to DevOps Culture Change
In the quest for DevOps, there are two paths organizations can take. One is to start with automation and attempt to get as much as possible out of automation tools. The other ...
Understanding is Key to Achieving DevOps Culture
Historically speaking, IT has been composed of silos. This has worked out rather well over the last half century or so, as one team developed systems, another kept them running, another handled ...
Technology’s effect on religion
Today being Good Friday, with Easter being Sunday and in the midst of Passover; it is a time for reflection. Instead of thinking about DevOps, today I ponder life and religion. What ...
DevOps Needs a Tsunami To Jump The Chasm
All start up business endeavors must go through the phase of crossing the chasm. Most of those business endeavors usually fall prey to the chasm. The chasm is this black hole that ...
Are the Milliseconds Worth It?
The pressure to prove one's coding prowess can make a developer do some very clever and creative things with their source code. Sometimes it's just a unique approach, but every once in ...
Can you appreciate DevOps, if you can’t exactly say what it is?
I recently had a conversation with some SOX IT auditors and was asked what I meant when I said we were a DevOps shop. I stumbled a little, torn somewhere between an ...
The DevOps Journey
Maintaining a constant thirst for learning is essential for anyone dedicating their career to the IT, computer and networking industries. It’s more than just learning about the latest technologies, rather, it’s imperative ...
Don’t Be Afraid of the “R” Word
It seems that many people are afraid of the word refactor. I think in many cases, if someone admits they need to refactor, it means they either didn’t do their job right. ...