Tag: Lean

Not Everything That is Necessary Adds Value
Since the Lean production method for manufacturing arose in the 1930s, organizations everywhere have been seeking ways to apply it to reduce waste and increase productivity. This model has served thousands of ...

Does Agile Methodologies Work for IT Infra?
Recently, I had a fascinating conversation with my old friend Joe–the name has been changed but the conversation is real and unedited–an IT Infrastructure program manager from a large IT service provider ...

Will ITIL V4 Bring Order to a DevOps World?
It is difficult to dispute the importance that the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) approach has had on the world of ITSM (IT service management). After all, the best practices established by ...

Is Your Organization ‘Fit for the Future’?
Takeaways from a recent conference suggest more work is needed in DevOps adoption among organizations This was a question explored by CIO Platform Nederland and the DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA) in ...

Using CALMS to Assess an Organization’s DevOps
Of the tried-and-tested frameworks that allow enterprises to assess DevOps in their organization and how it can be improved, the CALMS model remains particularly useful. CALMS, which stands for Collaboration, Automation, Lean, ...

What is an Agile IT Organization?
Agile IT is the new sexy. Don’t get me wrong. It has always been around. But with the rise of digital transformation, it has taken on a renewed urgency. For example, Domino's ...

Digital Transformation: How DevOps Could Have Revamped Toys R Us
The story you're about to read and its recommendations are real; they contrast with what you have heard so far about digital transformation and DevOps implementation. Its objective is to convince you ...

DevOps Chat: Value Stream Mapping with CollabNet’s Eric Robertson
This DevOps Chat features Eric Robertson, VP of product and engineering at CollabNet. We discuss value stream mapping, which comes from Lean methodology and has been around for a while. But do ...

SRE vs. DevOps vs. Cloud Native: The Server Cage Match
This post supports my DevOpsDays Austin Presentation on May 4 I don’t believe in DevOps shaming. Our community seems compelled to correct use of DevOps as an adjective for tools, teams and ...

Scaled Agile: Faster Feature Cycle Time, Improved Time to Value
Do you remember when the business imperative was improving feature cycle time? As if we just needed to deliver more stuff faster to win in the marketplace. I wouldn’t say that times ...

MTTR: The Magic Metric
How do you improve with one metric quality, cost, performance, employee and, most importantly, customer satisfaction? I think MTTR is one to consider, but with a DevOps twist (agile+lean+ITSM). The thing I ...

Lean Security: How Better Development Can Protect Your Business
If companies are to reach their strategic goals—reducing time to market, boosting sales, improving product market fit and brand image, and cutting cybersecurity costs—then it's time for a new outlook on software ...