Tag: legacy apps

Moving Beyond Legacy API Management Tools and Strategies
Forward-thinking organizations should be looking for ways to overhaul their API management tools and strategies ...

In this week’s #TheLongView: Translating legacy COBOL code to a slightly more modern language, and Arm will go public (again) next month ...

Four Ways to Modernize Your Enterprise Monoliths
In a perfect world, every application would run like Netflix–by which I mean every application would be cloud-native, microservices-based, containerized and, in all other senses of the word, modern. Unfortunately, not every ...

Why Legacy Application Development is a Challenge
Enterprises seeking to modernize their legacy mainframe applications often cite the key reason as not being able to evolve quickly enough to support the changing needs of the business. This is also ...

How to Modernize Mainframe Applications
It’s easy to understand the current disillusionment around the term “digital transformation,” as it has been thrown around vaguely as the ultimate answer to business innovation without much recognition of the nuances ...

DevOps Chat: App Modernization and Service Virtualization with IBM’s Matt Tarnawsky
While everyone wants to focus on building a new app, the fact is there are many, many apps already out there. They need to be maintained, updated and modernized. How do you ...

Are Legacy Apps the Antithesis to DevOps?
Do you have an application marked with cryptic warning signs and a wealth of cobwebs that is running on legacy hardware hidden away in the back corner of your data center? If ...

DevOps Chat: Modern Apps in DevOps w/ Andrea Martinez Crawford, IBM
Andrea Martinez, now Andrea Crawford, is the CTO for DevOps for IBM Hybrid Cloud. In this DevOps Chat we had a great discussion on what is "modern apps in DevOps," how to ...

Moving That Big Project to CI/CD
Any organization that has been around for more than a few years (and many who haven’t) have a massive system that would cost a fortune to replace. Most midsized enterprises have several ...

Step-By-Step: How DataArt Processes Application Backlogs, Converting Legacy Apps with DevOps
DataArt designs and custom builds software for industries such as travel & hospitality, media, IoT, financial services, and healthcare. “We build new products and services, improving existing solutions, re-engineering legacy systems, and ...