Tag: yaml
Cloud Orchestration Language Roundup: A Comparison
What cloud providers do you work with? Google Cloud Platform (GCP)? Amazon AWS? Microsoft Azure? Which services? Are you using a managed Kubernetes such as GKE, AKS, Openshift or EKS? How do ...
Chef Updates Tool for Managing IT Infrastructure as Code
Chef today updated its tool for automating the management of IT infrastructure as part of an effort to further eliminate the need to rely on manual processes that generally fail to scale ...
With YAML Support, Puppet Dives Deeper Into DevOps
Puppet this week announced an update to Puppet Enterprise that adds additional DevOps capabilities, including integration with Bolt, an open source agentless task runner that Puppet employs to make IT automation more ...
Using Jenkins Configuration as Code
Using the following code, we can configure Jenkins Master to integrate Sonar, Nexus and Jira and manage them as a code. Code as configuration is a plugin in Jenkins, which is very ...