When you’ve been in and around the security industry for long enough, you get used to the industry hype machine turning a cool innovation into, uh, meh. This hype cycle starts at the RSA conference each year, and folks like me look for new hot stuff on the show floor. For perhaps only the second time in 25 years, I wasn’t at the show in person, but it seems that DevSecOps was the preferred bandwagon on which every vendor jumped. Sigh.
I’m not sure whether it’s my increasing age or this business that has made me cynical, but here we are.
To be clear, from a customer’s perspective, there is great value in the concept of DevSecOps, as evidenced by the upcoming DevOps Connect: DevSecOps @ RSAC 2022 virtual event. Having these (sometimes) mortal enemies working together toward a common goal is great, in theory. But alas, in practice (and similar to what happened when DevOps hit the scene), it’s easier said (or displayed in a vendor booth) than done.
Thus, I’ve come to a sobering conclusion: Your DevSecOps initiative will fail.
Most organizations will talk a good game for a while and they may even try some stuff, buy some kit, send folks to training and the like. But in the end, despite all these efforts, you guessed it—they will still fail.
Is this a foregone conclusion for every organization? Well, no. But this isn’t my first rodeo, and I’m pretty sure this one will end like the others—in failure.
But let’s say you want it to be different this time. Really, you do. And you are willing to take some actions to give yourself a chance at success. If that’s the case, here are a couple of tips to increase your chances, however small.
First and foremost, DevSecOps is not a thing. It’s not a set of tools (no matter what the vendors tell you); you don’t buy it on a VAR line card. DevSecOps (like DevOps) is a cultural shift. Your teams need to work together. They need to collaborate. They need to have shared incentives. And they need to experience the consequences of not playing nicely in the sandbox.
Cultural shifts are hard. People don’t like to change. They resist. They undermine. They sabotage. It all sounds nefarious, but they do. So unless you can change your culture, you’ve got no shot.
Shift Left
Another one of these security-marketing-terms-run-wild is shift left. It means you want to integrate security testing directly into the development process as early as possible. You should be running security checks in the developer’s IDE to ensure they don’t violate security policy (like hardcoding API keys in their source, for example) before they even commit the code.
You must also integrate security testing into the CI/CD pipeline(s). Thus, you need tooling that works with your preferred pipeline.
Security Champions
Security testing will create angst for your developers. They will have false positives. They will have to fix things that they probably don’t understand. It will cause them to miss delivery dates. Of course, they should build it right the first time, but in their mind, they’ll see it as the security folks causing delays.
The developers will be annoyed, and you’ve got to manage that annoyance—or have senior management quash any rebellions, but that’s not a long-term solution.
On the other hand, you could establish a security champions program, which anoints (and trains) developers on each team to “represent” security within the development team. They help educate the developers on the tools and secure coding. They diffuse irritation when something goes wrong.
A strong security champions program is one of the leading indicators of DevSecOps success.
Break the Build
Finally, the security team must have the juice to break the build if a critical issue is found during the deployment. We talk about this with many organizations and they nod their heads. But they are lying to me and to themselves. When it comes down to it, someone on the dev team calls someone in senior management and, all of a sudden, that critical issue is now an alert, not a failed deployment.
Not being able to stop a build will kill your DevSecOps program. It’s like when a quality control issue forces someone to stop the assembly line. If you don’t stop the line, faulty products can result. In a security context, that means some critical vulnerabilities will be much more expensive to fix later.
So, there you have it. If you can evolve your culture, integrate security testing into your toolchain, empower security champions and empower your team to stop a deployment, you’ve got a chance at a successful DevSecOps program.
Unfortunately, you probably can’t do these things, and you’ll likely fail. In that case, I have some lovely property by a waterfall I’d like to sell you.