Sudhi, a technology entrepreneur, brings 19+ years in software, cloud technologies, IT operations and management. Have led several global teams in HP, Sun/Oracle, SeeBeyond. He has built highly scalable and highly available products, systems management, monitoring and integrated SaaS and on-premise applications. He is part of Cloud Technology Partners.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) gives organizations the flexibility of using several different methods for managing user accounts. In this article, we will take a look at some of the best user account ...
As data continues to increase at an evermore rapid pace, organizations struggle to deal with this data torrent, let alone use it to analyze and capture value. The ways used to understand ...
Clouds are a vast pool of usable and manageable virtualized means such as development platforms, hardware and services. These assets can be animatedly reconfigured to adjust to a flexible load, which helps ...
It is quite interesting to envision how we could adopt the Hadoop eco system within the realms of DevOps. I will try to cover it in upcoming series. Hadoop managed by the ...
What is Ansible? Ansible is an IT automation engine, and a trouble-free model-driven configuration management and command execution framework. Made for multi-tier deployments, it designs your IT infrastructure by describing how all ...
This is 4th part of the multi-part series covering Automation, provisioning and Configuration Management. In this article best practices for Puppet shall be covered. Puppet, one of the most well-liked configuration management tools, ...
This is 3rd part of the multi-part series covering Automation, provisioning and Configuration Management. In this follow up article best practices for Puppet shall be covered. Why Puppet? While every system administrator comes ...
Chef Best practices This article is the II part covering Chef. Please refer to Automation, Provisioning & Configuration Management (CHEF) for an introduction. As a matter of fact, Chef is truly an astounding tool ...
Introduction Chef is an influential configuration management and automation platform that transmutes the complex infrastructure and helps you in describing your infrastructure with code, by bringing your servers and services to life ...
Amazon has packed a box full of services and covered nearly every aspect in making cloud a smooth experience for developers to put up exceedingly operational and structurally complex applications on AWS. Large numbers ...