I think just about everyone on the Internet knows that Chuck Norris is one bad ass dude. But did you know he is so bad ass that he doesn’t need DevOps? Why doesn’t Chuck Norris need DevOps?
In doing our year end review of our metrics we discovered that due to an article I wrote back in March of 2014 one of the most popular search terms that brought people to our site was … wait for it, that’s right, Chuck Norris. Â Well as long as we are attracting the Chuck Norris crowd we might as well have some fun with it. Â So we are going to run a contest asking readers to come up with the best reason why Chuck Norris doesn’t need DevOps.
We will have several categories with prizes in each category:
Most OriginalÂ
Most HumorousÂ
Most ReTweetedÂ
Most FavoritedÂ
The top winner in each category will receive a $50 Amazon.com gift card plus a Chuck Norris DVD collection. Other winners will receive a copy of The Phoenix Project, DevOps.com t-shirts and more.  In order to enter you must tweet your reason why Chuck Norris doesn’t need DevOps and you must include the #ChuckNorrisDevOps hash tag. You can also use the Chuck Norris meme generator at http://memegenerator.net/Chuck-Norris/caption to generate your image and caption, then retweet it. The contest will be open until the end of January.
My original article noted a great presentation by Daniel Bryant of  the tai-dev blog titled Chuck Norris doesn’t need DevOps. Daniel has some great reasons why Chuck doesn’t need DevOps in his slides.  Of course any reasons that Daniel has already published are not eligible for this contest.  Among them are: