Tag: planning

Looking Ahead, 2023 Edition
DevOps is in a perpetual state of change that keeps all of us engaged and busy, but makes a mess of things overall. Do you cloud-first? Are your APIs GraphQL yet? Are ...

Three is the Magic Number: Planning and Executing a Successful DevOps Project
Diligent preparation, clearly defined workflows and watchful monitoring are key to delivering a high-performing DevOps project. DevOps is one of the hottest buzzwords in programming, but everyone seems to have their own ...

The Great Market Convergence is Coming
When you look around tech markets—almost any tech market—you can see an obvious overlap. Tons of markets that are complementary and that take different approaches to solving the same problem, or markets ...

Creating a Better Plan with Agile Data
Agile methods help companies respond to change, beat the competition and build high-quality products that customers want by aligning development work to business priorities. But what happens when an organization is unable ...

DevOps Future: Have a Break Plan
A big tenet of DevOps is, "Automate all of the things." It’s generally a good policy, and definitely allows us to meet the delivery goals of DevOps. Taking the full-on, all-new technology ...

Lessons Learned: We’re Still Killing Ourselves with Innovation
Since the widespread acceptance of virtual machines (VMs), we’ve been on a racetrack with changing technology, with little opportunity to stop and digest lessons learned. That’s not to say organizations haven’t done ...

Log Analysis, or Log Clog
Log Analysis has the ability to transform teams. It centralizes communication, increases responsiveness, moves efforts from reactive to proactive, reduces time to resolution TTR, and allows increasingly complex environments to grow without ...

Change your thinking about Change Management
Change Management, let’s face it, it's usually a checklist item and a CYA tool. But in the world of DevOps where change is part of the culture and processes. Change Management needs ...

The Delivery Pipeline is your DevOps Signature
Where is DevOps? Searching for it is like querying a rainbow for pots of gold. No single element in a development team’s lifecycle defines them as a DevOps-enabled organization. Were anything the ...