Tag: robots
How IoT Security Risks Derailing Robotics
Driven by advances in technologies such as artificial intelligence and deep learning, the mobile robots market is projected to grow to $54.1 billion by 2023 from $18.7 billion last year, according to ...
Full-Time Employment in the Age of Automation
Back in 1930, the economist John Maynard Keynes wrote a short essay, "Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren," in which he predicted that in a hundred years the 15-hour work week will be ...
Thinking About the Future in the Age of Automation
Let’s do a thought experiment. Let’s imagine a world in which almost all the work required to sustain human life on the planet is performed by intelligent machines. Think about it: All ...
The ‘Blockbuster Effect’ in the Age Of Automation
Saying that new jobs will always be created to replace those that have been eliminated by automation is a mechanism for avoiding a real problem that’s lurking on the horizon. In 2004, ...
Automation: A Few Decades of Pain? Or, What Does Jack Ma Know That I Don’t?
Recently I came across three articles that gave me pause. Each article was a bit disconcerting on its own merit, but when I considered them together, the result caused more than a ...