Tag: source code management

The Case For an API-First SCM
Somewhere around a decade ago, about the time DevOps really started to manifest, we began seeing technology companies—including some of the largest ones today—investing heavily in their APIs. API-first companies managed to ...

The Secret to Secrets Management: Reduce Source Code Vulnerabilities
We are in the cyberattack age. From Microsoft to Crypto.com, no company is completely safe from malicious attackers, and it seems as if a new major cyberattack is announced weekly, if not ...

Source Code Management Best Practices
Source code is, of course, the foundation of any software development practice. Managing that source code is the first task tackled by modern software development pipelines, with all subsequent stages of the ...

JFrog Extends Reach and Scope of CI/CD Platform
At its online JFrog swampUP Conference today, JFrog announced it has extended the reach of its ability to distribute software to include options based on peer-to-peer and content delivery network (CDN) mechanisms ...

Pulumi Tightens DevOps Platform Integration
Pulumi today released the 2.0 release of its open source platform for automating the provisioning of IT infrastructure in the cloud, providing tighter integration with a dozen different continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) ...

The Competitive Advantages of Modern SCMs
Source code management (SCM) is not a new concept. It has been in existence since around 1980, when Revision Control System (RCS), one of the first major SCMs, was released. But that ...

Achieving Open and Integrated Development with IBM Z
“DevOps” and “mainframe” are not words you often hear in the same sentence. Yet, the reality is that even in our current age of DevOps, mainframes remain the mainstays of many companies' ...