Tag: speed

Speed and Security: How to Find a Balance in Development
Time management can help developers realize the necessary combination of security and speed in application development As software continues to create competitive advantages and market differentiation for organizations focused on successful digital ...

In DevOps, Speed Isn’t Always the Point
The high-tech industry has fallen into a rut and seems to be struggling to get out of it. This rut is most fervently seen when talking about DevOps, but it exists across ...

The Real ROI of DevOps
Many established enterprises are stuck in reverse. Dragged down by legacy IT systems and sclerotic software workstreams, these businesses simply cannot adapt and get up to speed in the continuously changing, high-velocity ...

Q&A: BDO’s Coffman on Change Management, Security and DevOps, Part 1
DevOps's best asset is swift and valuable change, which also may be its biggest risk factor. DevOps certainly challenges change management and security. We recently discussed these challenges and the solutions with ...

DevOps: Commoditizing Infrastructure
Hardware vendors face a quandary. How do you distinguish yourself as superior from your competitors if you are unable to continue to grow a distinct architecture as your competitive advantage? But this ...

Why we are still fighting with the same problems in DevOps as 15 years ago
One thing that continues to fascinate me is how after so many years I can still walk into IT organisations and see basic practices not being followed (e.g. Software Configuration Management or ...

How Fast Is Fast Enough?
One of the primary goal of DevOps is the ability of an organization to bring an idea to market faster. But how fast is fast enough? Do they need to improve time ...

Automating code helps businesses adapt to customer demand quickly
This is the first article in a series of pieces on digital innovation, accelerating change and the rise of the coded business from innovators in the Chef (click here) community. How does the ...