Tag: Tekton
Driving the DevOps Evolution: ArgoCD, Tekton and Seamless Migrations
The evolution of CI/CD frameworks reflects the DevOps industry's dynamic nature and the demand for efficient software delivery pipelines ...
Using LLMs to Automate Pipeline Conversions From Legacy to Tekton
There have been many technological advancements in the market today, but the main hindrance is the cumbersome process of switching from the existing technology/framework to the new one. This is where teams ...
CloudBees Extends SDM Service Reach
CloudBees has extended the integrations embedded within its software delivery management (SDM) platform to add support for additional services provided by Google. Moritz Plassnig, senior vice president cloud and general manager for ...
CD Foundation Serves Up Tekton Pipelines Beta
The team overseeing the development of the open source Tekton Pipelines under the auspices of the Continuous Delivery (CD) Foundation announced today the project is now in beta. Christie Wilson, Tekton Project ...
Mario’s Adventures in Tekton Land
Tekton is an open source, cloud-native CI/CD pipelines engine. The project has its roots in the Knative project, where about a year ago it started under the name “Knative Pipeline,” with the ...