Tag: shifting left

How to Analyze Your Code for Security Vulnerabilities
Shifting Left 2.0 is a two-day virtual conference taking place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. PDT on June 22nd-23rd that dives deep into application security in the modern tech space. Security ...

How Shift-Left Testing Improves DevOps Efficiency and Software Quality
Shift-left testing is the key to deliver quality software at speed. Developers shift testing left to shorten long test cycles, prevent defects and mitigate risk earlier in the development cycle, rather than ...

Shifting Left and Static Code Analysis with Perforce
Perforce Product Manager Stuart Foster, and Evangelist Steve Howard, join Mitch Ashley to discuss the importance of creating security software from the beginning of the development process. We discuss shift left, SAST, ...

Early vs. Late-Stage DevOps Testing: The Benefits of Both
Companies that are working toward optimizing DevOps processes have over the past few years adopted a practice of testing throughout the software application design, development and production phases—a practice of continuous testing ...

Shifting Left – But How Far Left Do Companies Need to Go?
For developers, there's nothing more satisfying than looking at a web app or service and being able to say “I made that.” Or at least part of that. Being able to develop ...

Practical Approaches to Long-Term Cloud-Native Security
There is no shortage of advice out there about how to secure modern, cloud-native workloads. By now, most developers and IT engineers who work with cloud-native deployments have heard all of the ...

4 Things Developers Should Know About Security in the Age of DevSecOps
If you’re a developer, most of your experience when it comes to security probably centers on designing and writing secure code. You know how to prevent buffer overflows, architect your microservices in ...

Shift Left Without Fear: The Role of Security in Enabling DevOps
It’s the age of DevOps, and we all want to shift left, which refers to the idea of performing processes earlier in the CI/CD cycle. That includes security checks and audits. By ...