Tag: silos

Orgs Shift Toward Centralizing Automation Initiatives
A survey published today found that 75% of respondents recognized that automation silos hamper their ability to unify cloud operations across functions. Conducted by CloudBolt Software, the survey polled 350 senior IT ...

Does it Matter That We’re Still Working in Silos?
Seventy-two percent of business leaders believe that cross-departmental working at the enterprise level benefits their employees' experience and engagement. However, 68% of these same organizations admit to working in silos—the complete opposite ...

DevOps: The Ultimate Way to Break Down Silos
Let’s imagine Jim works on the development team for a food company and his colleague, Julie, works on the operations team. On a daily basis, Jim focuses on analyzing users’ needs, testing ...

It’s About Communication, not Silos
Too often, when enterprise folks talk with DevOps aficionados, we get a loud chorus of “Culture Change” and “Take down the silos,” and frankly that scares any sane enterprise IT person. Not ...

Swarms: Adapting Guilds To Scale Agility
In my first article in this series, "Using Guilds to Combat Information Silos," I reviewed the adoption of guilds at xMatters. As our company has grown, we’ve used guilds to keep critical ...

DevOps Leaders Share 2017 Reflections, Predictions
As the New Year kicks off, it is a time for reflection and a chance to look ahead and plan for what is to come. While many are making personal resolutions pertaining ...

DevOps Best Practices: Break Down Silos, Avoid Drift and Optimize for Flow
In organizations trying to achieve agility with stability and quality, silos (of teams, tools, and processes) create major stumbling blocks to managing configuration drift between pre-production and production systems. Breaking down those ...

Services As A Model For DevOps Communications
DevOps is an interesting movement. As with any effort of this magnitude, there will be many opinions on what is entailed in adoption and implementation. The issue is that businesses are so ...