Whether you made it to San Francisco, California last month for RSA Conference or not, you don’t want to miss Tuesday’s DevOps Connect: DevSecOps Virtual Summit.
On Tuesday, July 12, 2022, we are presenting a virtual broadcast of the sessions from our recent DevOps Connect: DevSecOps event at RSA Conference in June 2022. All of the great sessions will be available as well as some bonus sessions that didn’t make it to RSAC.
For me, this event was extremely gratifying because it served as validation that I wasn’t crazy all those years ago. When I started DevOps.com in 2014, I did so because I thought it would be great for security—back then it felt as though I was a lone voice crying out in the wilderness! Now, here we are in 2022 and DevSecOps is real. It is accepted, it is sought-after and it is changing the way software is developed, deployed and managed.
When I put on the first DevSecOps event at RSA Conference seven years ago, it was a bit controversial. The idea of bringing together the security community with the DevOps tribe was like what I imagine peace treaty negotiations between two warring parties would be. The security folks said no one else cared about security. The DevOps people, like many other IT pros, claimed the security folks were just people who said no to all their initiatives. The lack of trust ran deep. But we kept at it—and while the situation is far from perfect today, so much progress has been made.
This year’s event featured our best speaker lineup yet. Jim Zemlin, executive director of The Linux Foundation, kicked off the event by talking about open source and security—software supply chain, SBOMs and security, oh my! Continuing the open source and security trend, CNCF executive director Priyanka Sharma presented a great session discussing cloud-native and DevSecOps.
And you won’t want to miss two of my favorite sessions. The first involves my friend John Willis asking, “What would Deming do?” in his session at 11:30 a.m. ET. Given the current state of world affairs and the software and security market, what would Edward Deming, the patron saint of DevOps, say and do? John is a bit of a Deming expert himself, so his insights are spot on, I think. And second, Carolyn Wong (who is a superstar) talks at 12:00 p.m. ET in her session about pentesting at scale, pentesting-as-a-service and DevSecOps.
But wait—there’s more! Chenxi Wang has a powerful session, delivered off the cuff, about the current state of DevSecOps, software supply chain security, investing and more; that’s at 9:55 a.m. ET.
We’ll also feature two amazing panels: One is made up of the authors of a recent book, Reinventing Cybersecurity. The other features folks from Intel, Mitre, NIST and the U.S. Senate talking about security compliance with an emphasis on software supply chain security and SBOMs (see a pattern here yet?).
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg—there is even more from this year’s event that you don’t want to miss. So, head on over and register—it’s free. Many of the speakers will be online, live, during their presentations to answer questions, network and offer their guidance. There are also exhibits and sponsor booths and other fun stuff like a yoga class and a DJ spinning great tunes.
This DevSecOps stuff is real and you will learn a lot from these sessions. We can’t wait to see you there!
While you’re at it, check out our upcoming CloudNativeDay Virtual Summit August 10, 2022, which is shaping up to be a great event, as well!