Tag: application performance management

DevOps Guide to Java Profiling
By using a Java profiler, developers can gain a deep understanding of the application's performance characteristics and identify potential areas for optimization ...

Nobl9 Simplifies SLO Identification
Nobl9 today added a Replay capability to its service level objectives (SLO) management platform that makes it simpler to collect the historical data a DevOps team needs to get started. Nobl9 COO ...

Why More Incidents Are Better
Ask most SREs how many incidents they’d have to respond to in a perfect world, and their answer would probably be 'zero.' After all, making software and infrastructure so reliable that incidents ...

Dynatrace Advances Application Environments as Code
Dynatrace, at its online Perform 2022 event, launched a bevy of updates to its portfolio that make it easier for DevOps teams to programmatically embed observability and other software intelligence capabilities within ...

Splunk Expands Scope of Observability While Lowering Costs
During its online .conf21 conference Splunk Inc. today revealed a bevy of updates that advance observability while at the same time reducing the total cost of deploying its platforms. As part of ...

5 Steps to Succeed With Blue-Green Deployment
By allowing teams to maintain two production-ready environments at the same time, the blue-green deployment technique can significantly boost reliability. But blue-green deployment can also be difficult to execute and manage. Let's ...

Does Shift Left Matter to SREs?
If you’re a software engineer, you’ve likely heard all about shift left, a practice that can streamline certain aspects of software development. But shift left isn’t just for developers. It can be ...

Perforce Charts Testing Course After BlazeMeter Acquisition
Perforce Software has acquired BlazeMeter from Broadcom as part of an effort to extend the scope of its testing tools beyond the Perfecto tools for testing mobile and web applications it acquired ...

Sentry Integrates Code Observability Tool with GitHub, GitLab
Sentry this week extended its namesake observability platform for code to provide tighter integration with the DevOps platforms provided by GitHub and GitLab. Application development project managers can now assign issues to ...

Logz.io Allies with Microsoft on Open Source Observability
Logz.io this week announced an alliance with Microsoft that enables DevOps teams to deploy its observability platform—based on open source platforms such as ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK), Prometheus and Jaeger—on the Azure ...

Visualize Logs to Get More Value from Data
Why do you keep logs? Regardless of the type of logs we're talking about, you keep them because you expect them to provide some value for the organization. Maybe the logs will ...

Automatic Right-Sizing is Magical Thinking
Some months ago, AWS evangelist Corey Quinn wrote a short blog post titled “Right Sizing Your Instances Is Nonsense.” As usual, Corey was spot-on in his takedown of cost-reduction-magic-AI industry hype. But ...